Library Legacy

A charitable bequest is one of the most meaningful legacies you can leave for your loved ones and your favorite organizations. These types of planned gifts can be a way for you to contribute money to The Friends of the Middleborough Public Library while also realizing some of your estate and financial planning goals.If you have already included the Friends of the Middleborough Public Library in your will, THANK YOU! We hope you will let us know. We want to thank you and learn how you would like to be recognized for this gift.Below is a sample bequest language that might be used to designate a fixed sum or percentage of your assets to the Friends.“I give to The Friends of the Middleborough Public Library, a nonprofit 501 c 3, 102 North Main Street, Middleborough MA 02346 (Federal Tax Identification Number# 04-2914498) the amount of $_______ or ______% of the residue of my estate.”
Making a gift to the Friends of the Middleborough Public Library by beneficiary designation from a Transfer on Death (TOD) accounts, is a simple and tax-efficient way to fund your legacy and avoid the probate process. To include the Friends of the Middleborough Public Library, simply contact a representative of the institution that manages your account or policy and request a “change of beneficiary form.”​
Retirement Plans
Life Insurance Plans
Banking and Brokerage Accounts